In my first post I would like to tell you something about my face care products and cleaning series. I really tested a lot and have made more or less good experiences.
some point I stumbled into my local forum about the brand Avene, because I asked for the summer after a hot water spray. how I came through Google on the side of Avene there and looked at me a bit. In addition to the thermal water spray I was also depend on the facial, I was at the time just looking for something new.
Avene divided its products according to skin types and can be found relatively quickly, what is for his own skin type the best product.
I have dry skin and as "recommended" me the website to try it with Hydrance Optimum. It's great is that there is this product with SPF, which is important for me.
There is also the Hydranceserie in riche (10% lipids and 58% thermal water) and in légère (56% thermal water). Ideal for me, because my skin in the winter like a little "fat" may be more easily and in the summer.
So I bought to start with the Optimal Hydrance Légère with UV protection, thermal water spray and the soothing moisturizing serum.
My skin improved significantly. The skin was tight, "moist" and I hardly had any pimples or blackheads, by what I had to fight more often before.
presented after the trial period, I completely to Aven and bought even the rich Nutritive cream, cold cream hand care, Cold Cream Lip Balm, the Cleanance talgabsorbierende exfoliating mask, soap-free cleansing gel + Face Tonic, the Cleanance K Cream (if I should have pimples) and the calming moisture mask.
I have never regretted that I have changed and I am very satisfied with the products of which I have already bought later a part.
Not everyone liked the ingredients, my skin but they do very well.
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