at the World Scientific Congress of Golf, M. Guagnoli the results of his study Video feedback presented in the golf lessons. The study design provided for three groups that were taught in different ways:
Group 1 received no instruction. The players should just practice and play as normal.
Group 2 was given during the training sessions traditional golf instruction (verbal instructions).
Group 3 also received golf lessons, but has also worked with video.
The players were all supervised by M. Davis, the English Teacher of the Year and knew nothing of the other groups.
The result:
The results were initially perplexing. The precision and the length of the strokes were similar for both groups, the education received worse. The blows were shorter, inconsistent in direction and length with the video-based teaching and traditional teaching was very little difference. In the control group, nothing had changed.
Guandagnioli was with these frustrating results not satisfied and tested the group after two more weeks and then again, there were completely different results. The beating of the two groups were taught much longer (an average of 10-15 yards) and (average standard deviation decreased from 12 to 6 yards) and precise.
Where, especially in the length of the video group significantly off better than the traditionally taught group.
Another study has attempted Guadagnoli find out what kind of feedback is most effective. He has only verbal feedback compared (traditional golf course without video), video feedback and the combination of oral and video.
It was found that teaching was the most effective oral feedback and video, video alone was somewhat less effective and only verbal feedback did significantly less improvement in the stroke length.
understand (Optimising Performance in Golf Source:: Patrick R Thomas)